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  • Project Office: Siri Shortcuts, iOS 12 support and design enhancements for iPhone XS Max

    Project Office 2.5 for iOS introduces support for Siri Shortcuts, includes stability improvements for iOS 12 and design enhancements for iPhone XS Max. Here is what's added and fixed in version 2.5: • Added support for Siri Shortcuts. After creating new or open existing documents, Siri will suggest you these activities to be added to your shortcuts. These suggestions can appear in Spotlight, on the lock screen, and in Siri Settings; • Reliability and stability improvements for iOS 12; • General performance and design enhancements for iPhone XS Max; • Fixed bug with cycle occurring when adding connect between task and its group using "Move right" option; • Optimized switching segment controller of Task type; • Fixed depicting Date line of Gantt chart in iPhone XS Max; • Fixed app crash after grouping-ungrouping task in sample project. Thank you for using Project Office and if you have any questions, using issues or feedback, please contact us at and we will gladly help you directly.

  • Meet Task Office version for macOS X

    Meet Task Office version for macOS X We are glad to announce that long awaited OS X version of Task Office is available in App Store. This is as much efficient tool as iOS version and includes all the important features and possibilities.

  • Project Office Mac OS X version is featured in VVMac magazine

    Project Office Mac OS X version is featured in VVMac magazine A new awesome review article on Project Office Mac version was published in Vous et Votre Mac 141 (February 2018) magazine. by Nicolas Klingsor Gérer des projets « lourds » avec cette application complète et peu chère Dans un domaine où l’offre est très limitée, Project Office Pro se positionne d’emblée comme une solution attractive et très abordable, qui allie le suivi, largement visuel, de la réalisation de projets au suivi des ressources mobilisées et des coûts. OfficeProject est une application de modélisation et de suivi de projets. Comme l’offre sur Mac est, dans le domaine, plutôt réduite, VVMac voulait saluer ce nouveau venu. D’autant que son éditeur le propose en français et que l’application existe sur Mac comme sur iOS. Pour m’aider à le découvrir, l’éditeur m’a fourni un projet en français, mais sinon l’application est livrée avec deux exemples de projets en anglais. L’aide n’est pas non plus localisée, mais ce n’est pas très compliqué et Google Translate donnera le coup de main décisif. Project Office est plutôt destinée aux professionnels, aux petites entreprises et aux groupes de travail. Mais son coût, inhabituel pour ce type de solution, fait que tout un chacun peut parfaitement l’utiliser pour quelque chose d’un peu «lourd», la création d’une nouvelle activité ou un projet personnel. Project Office[1] offre des outils habituels de planification et de contrôle, pour mieux suivre des projets, de manière visuelle, centrée sur le diagramme de Gantt, avec dates de début et de fin de toutes les tâches et sous-tâches, regroupement de tâches, relations entre les tâches... Il est pos sible de mettre en évidence sur le graphique les tâches qui ontle plus d'impact sur le timing deréalisation. L’application propose des inspecteurs [2] pour la définition et le suivi des ressources (personnels, lieux, matériels...) nécessaires à la réalisation, ainsi que l’estimation et le suivi des coûts humains et techniques. C’est donc un outil complet, mais qui reste facile à prendre en main. L’interface , très claire et souple, est divisée en deux grandes zones. Àgauche le plan qui liste toutes les tâches du projet. Àdroite, le diagramme correspondant. Le diagramme peut aussi afficher à la demande les besoins de ressources. On peut intervenir directement aussi bien sur le plan que sur le diagramme qui est parfaitement interactif. Il existe encore une vue dite Calendrier. Si l’on travaille à plusieurs, Project Office n’a pas actuellement de fonction de collaboration intégrée, mais on peut partager un fichier de projet entre collaborateurs, échanger un PDF du diagramme de Gantt du projet, ou générer des rapports HTML sur l’état du projet tant en termes de tâches que de ressources allouées. On n’en est qu’à la version 1 pour Mac, il y a donc une bonne marge de progression. On retrouve les mêmes possibilités sur les versions iOS; l’ensemble évoluera donc de concert. L’éditeur prévoit déjà des fonctions d’impression plus sophistiquées, un nouvel éditeur de rapports qui offrira plus de possibilités de personnalisation, et la création d’un vrai guide d’utilisateur (en anglais) car l’aide actuelle est vraiment succincte.L’éditeur propose un autre produit, Task Office, une gestion de tâches séduisante,déjà proposée sur iOS et qui est en train d’être portée sur Mac; j’en reparlerai donc un peu plus tard. Resource: Vous et Votre Mac 141 (February 2018)

  • We are glad to announce that awaited macOS version of ProjectOffice is available in Mac AppStore

    BASIC PROJECT MANAGEMENT OPTIONS • Gantt chart view: Each task is shown graphically on visual timeline by day, week, month or year. Gantt chart view helps you keep an eye on tasks durations, start and due dates, completion percentage, dependencies and resources assigned. • Outline view: Use the Table view to see your tasks, groups and milestones in a spreadsheet format. Friendly and intuitive interface helps you get things done fast and stays out of your way while doing so. • Resources management: add resources to your project: people or materials, necessary to make this project done. Identify bottlenecks in your project and distribute workloads fairly. • Multiple baselines: set baseline to track development by comparing the set baseline with actual plan and progress. • Critical path: Project Office displays your project’s critical path, which is the series of tasks that are necessary in order to finish your project on schedule. • Customized calendar: modifying work hours for entire project you can create a more realistic plan considering off-time and weekends. • Filtering: you can easily hide those tasks you don't need to think about at the moment. Simply use filter to focus on tasks you need to be done. • Projects and reports sharing: send an entire project to your colleagues or Email the Gantt chart to others as PDF. For more convenience you can make task and resources report and send them as HTML. • iCloud backup: backup your projects to keep all information you have added

  • We are ready for iPhone X and iOS 11

    iPhone X is finally here! Task Office 3.1.1 and Project Office 2.3.1 is an update to support iPhone X and improves support for iOS 11: • Now Project Office database and backups appear in the Files app. You can use all the possibilities of the Files app to work with Project Office documents: view and manage from any iPhone and iPad, Share and work on files with others; • Fixed an issue with German localization, when «Share» button was not shown up; • General performance and reliability improvements; • Minor design enhancements for iPhone X. Follow our updates! Big announcements are coming soon!

  • Task Office Universal app that works both on iPhone and iPad

    --------- TASK OFFICE PRO FOR IPHONE & IPAD ---------- Task Office Pro 3.0 becomes a Universal app that works both on iPhone and iPad. Version 3.0. is focused on iPhone version and includes stability and localization improvements: • Peculiarities of iPhone Calendar: Month and Day Calendar are available in portrait mode, and Week Calendar - in landscape mode; • Functionality improvements of date picker work while creating or editing task; • Fixing minor bug when all tasks from all categories were transferred to the newly created category; • User guide specification; • Compatibility with iOS 10.3.2 improvement.

  • Getting to Done With Task Office

    by Wendy Cherwinski No one has embraced productivity expert David Allen’s approach to managing projects and tasks with more enthusiasm than geeks. Since Allen released his book Getting Things Done (GTD) a number of apps designed to put his ideas into action have followed. Leading the parade is OmniFocus, which encourages users to get “stuff” out of their heads and into their computers and devices where it can be organized, reviewed and acted upon with clear intention. Now, a new kid based on the GTD model has arrived on the block. The app is Task Office Pro and it’s aimed at small business owners who might not need or want all the features that OmniFocus offers; but who would benefit from using a scaled down, less expensive version. While Task Office Pro is, at the moment, an iPad app only, its developer has ambitions of creating companion Mac and iPhone versions. For that reason, and a few others that I’ll get to later, it’s still a work in progress. But by releasing an iPad only app now, the developer is tapping into a growing trend. More and more, people are using tablets to work on outside as well as in the office. As iPad apps go, Task Office Pro is attractive and well laid out. Too bad it isn’t always as user friendly. The start point for first-time users is the welcome page, which features three buttons. The first button provides access to a help document. The second one leads to a variety of sample screens populated with information. If the help document doesn’t answer all your questions, playing with the sample screens offers another route to figuring out how things work. The third button takes you to the app’s home screen. The left side of the home screen features a searchable, scrollable list of activities organized under categories such as “Today”, “Tomorrow” and specific dates in the future. The right side provides the current day view. Each item in the view appears in a bar colour-coded to match the category it falls under. This arrangement makes it easy to tell at a glance what mix of activities you have planned and how much of your day is committed to them. Four more buttons along the bottom of the screen provide access to the app’s other key activities. The second button, for example, takes you to another split screen that lists all your projects on the left side and the details of any one of them on the right. Details include the project’s name, status, related tasks and linked people as well as a “pipeline” that fills in to mark your progress as you chip away at project tasks. As you would expect, you can also set start and end dates, using a fussy rolling-date style picker. The third button takes you to Contacts. On the left side of the screen is a scrolling contacts list. On the right is a well laid out work area where you can input and review individual contact information, including assigned tasks and project links. Task Office Pro gives you the option of adding contacts manually, or importing them from your iOS contacts list. You can send an email directly to a contact from this screen. You can also place contacts in different categories such as friend, competitor and client. And, you can filter contacts further by assigning them to lists of your choosing. This is a great feature, but, unfortunately, it isn’t easy to use. Either the procedure has to be simplified, or users need to be given more detailed instructions. The fourth button along the bottom of the screen takes you to the Task screen. Once again a scrollable list on the left side lets you choose a variety of ways to view tasks. For example you can look at all the tasks scheduled for specific times, review them by category, or look at those that remain to be done, or have been done. (Task Office Pro saves a task history.) Each task can be further sub-defined as a to-do item, an appointment, or an email/call. You can email contacts directly from the Task Info area. The fifth and final button takes you to a calendar, which can be viewed in day, week or month view. When a task is marked as done, it’s crossed out, but remains on the calendar. You can review all tasks from the calendar, tap to make changes, and send emails from them. The app’s drag and drop feature also lets you rearrange tasks easily. Task Office Pro’s feature set is well chosen for its target market. Small business owners who want to take the GTD approach to managing projects and tasks on an iPad should be happy with the app’s range of activities and views. Granted, there are still rough spots to smooth out. In addition to making activities such as list assignment straightforward, the app would be more appealing if the instructions were more complete and edited for proper English usage. The developer is located in Ukraine, a wellspring of innovative apps. Releasing Task Office Pro for iPad was a clever move. Getting it right so others can get things done should be the priority ahead of producing companion Mac and iPhone apps. Task Office Pro for iPad is available in the iTunes Store in two versions. Task Office Pro Lite is free but basically consists of populated sample screens. The full version of Task Office Pro is available for $9.99. Source:

  • Sync tasks and events from your iOS Calendar to Task Office

    Now you can sync tasks and events from your iOS Calendar to Task Office and vice versa Watch an introduction video

  • Project Office is reviewed at Mac|Life magazine

    Project Office is reviewed at Mac|Life magazine Project Office for iOS at Mac|Life 112 (March 2016) magazine. If you want to get more info on how the app work, on all its peculiarities and features, you should definitely go through this article ⬇️ By J.R. BOOKWALTER Taking the hard work out of hard work When it comes to serious scheduling, Gantt charts are widely considered the gold standard for business projects. This bar-chart-style breakdown packs a lot of data into a compact space, making it ideal for devices like the iPad - but most of the existing apps to create them are overpriced, underpowered, or plain clunky. Project Office is none of these things. Featuring a more elegant, intuitive user interface than competing apps, it's also more affordable than popular alternatives such as OmniPlan. Built for speed, Project Office Pro makes it easy to juggle multiple projects, assign contacts or materials, track any remaining work to be done, and head off potential bottlenecks at a glance. Up to three copies of each project can be backed up via iCloud, although this has to be initiated manually. Project Office Pro lacks any comprehensive way to collaborate on a project with others, although projects can be sent via email or saved in PDF format; more traditional HTML task or resource reports can also be generated or shared with other apps. Those already proficient with the Gantt method will feel right at home, but Project Office Pro lacks a tutorial to help novices get up to speed (there is basic in-app help, however). It's iPad-only for now, but an update with iPhone support should be available by the time you read this; the app is already optimized for iPad Pro and works great with the larger screen of that model. THE BOTTOM LINE. If your work life revolves around Gantt charts, Project Office Pro is a cost-effective, full-featured solution for iPad scheduling. Resource: Mac|Life 112 (March 2016)

  • Task Office is reviewed at Mac|Life magazine

    Task Office is reviewed at Mac|Life magazine Task Office for iOS (ed. Daytime) at Mac|Life 109 (December 2015) magazine. If you want to get more info on how the app work, on all its peculiarities and features, you should definitely go through this article ⬇️ by J. R. BOOKWALTER No matter how packed your schedule may be, Task Office (Daytime)'s Calendar view manages it with simplicity. Whether you 're managing a busy schedule at work, at home, at a freelance business, or even for an entire office staff, staying on top of projects and appointments has become one of the most crucial roles of the smartphone and tablet. One new app has a very good handle on helping get things done, but it's strictly for the iPad crowd right now. Task Office (Daytime) offers a no-nonsense user interface with separate tabs for Projects, Contacts, Task, and Calendar entries across the bottom of the screen, plus a fifth Home button focused strictly on what needs to be addressed today and in the next seven days. From here, you can tackle the most current tasks in a colour-coded timeline, quickly making sense of even the busiest of weeks. The design is well thought-out, and those new to Task Office (Daytime) can first browse a sample fully populated with data to help get up to speed quickly. There's even one-tap access to an extensive user guide. Task Office (Daytime) syncs with iOS and OS X Reminders, but also ties directly into contacts (including public or private groups) and projects, to give a broader scope of what's ahead. The Tasks tab features an Inbox for quickly adding entries without having to know exactly how they'll fit into your overall schedule first. Tasks can also be attached to projects, with a progress bar showing what percentage of that work is already completed, and what has been delegated to specific users or companies from the full-featured address book. Tapping an email address allows sending new messages without having to exit Task Office (Daytime), and Calendar events can be dragged and dropped to change start or due dates with a tap and hold. It's a comprehensive package, but missing one or two pieces of the puzzle - namely, companion apps for iPhone and Mac, which the developer says are already in progress. Considering the wealth of available features, Task Office (Daytime) is worthy of a look for those dissatisfied with their current GTD ("get things done") solution. There's also a free Lite version available, although it doesn't actually do anything aside from run the sample data. THE BOTTOM LINE. Task Office (Daytime) is a comprehensive app for efficiently tackling even the most challenging schedules. While it works great on iPad, you'll have to rely on other tools for getting things done on iPhone or Mac for the time being. Task Office (Daytime) + Drag-and-drop calendar events + Inbox for quickly adding undated tasks + Extensive sample data and user guide - Currently no iPhone or Mac version. UPD: available since Oct 6, 2018 Resource: Mac|Life 109 (December 2015)

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